The Epic Crawl of Red Blob

 How I made an animated movie. 

Last week I got some plasticine and made a snake.

Then Mum and Sophie got the webcam set up in the living room.

I put the snake in front of the camera and little by little moved it across the screen.

Between the times I moved it Mum took a photo on her computer. 

Here's my first movie. 

Mum found some sound effects and added them to my movie. 


  1. Hi Gemma,
    My name is Karla and I have a blog called Windy Island Handmade. I promise I didn't copy your name, but it is pretty cool, isn't it!
    I think your blog is gorgeous and you obviously work very hard on it. I wondered if you would mind if I add you to my blog list? If you would like to have a look, I am at Hope that's ok! Thank you.K

  2. I thought it was great Gemma-Rose. I've wanted to make a movie too, but I don't think it will work with the ideas I have. I might try your way instead of my ideas.

  3. Hi!
    You must be about two years younger than me, as you are seven and I am nine!
    I think that your movies are wonderful and so id your blog! I have just made a blog called Me and More Me! I hope you will read it!
    P.S I hope you don't mind me following you! I like the look of your blog!

  4. Hi,
    Wow! I thought I was the only girl my age blogging, but it seems I'm wrong.
    I am June. I am ten!
    Did you really make those movies? I can't believe it. They are great! You are soo good at making movies!
